Exolve, Exet, and Gussalufz

Free open source software (MIT License) for setting up interactively solvable crosswords as HTML files (that work in any modern browser and device) with the crossword specified in a simple plain-text format. I have developed this software and I actively maintain it. The link takes you to the Exolve GitHub project that includes a detailed README file with instructions.

A simple Exolve-based web-app that can open Exolve/ipuz/puz files. The link is to my own hosted version (no data is sent to it). You can also run your own, using the exolve-player.html file in the Exolve repo.

This is a powerful web app that uses Exolve to provide you with interactively solvable crosswords from .puz and ipuz files. Of course, you can also open Exolve-formatted files with it.

Moreover, it also lets you create an interactive version for any standard blocked crossword, starting from just the text of the clues (copied from a PDF or any web site), by automatically inferring the grid using clue numbers and enumerations.

Free open source software (MIT License) for constructing crosswords. You can save the crosswords as Exolve files as well as .puz files. I have developed this software and I actively maintain it. You can directly start using the web app link given above, or you can access the Exet GitHub project for the source code and documentation.

A collection of my crossword puzzles (most interactively solvable, powered by Exolve).


I'm Viresh Ratnakar, a cryptic crossword enthusiast and a setter for the Hindu Cryptic. Other interests: Books. Running. Cooking. Eating. Writing. Coding. Movies. TV. Cricket on TV. Red wine. Beer. Scotch. Dogs. I get along best with dogs.

Contact: @vireshratnakar on Twitter. Or, via email at viresh at gmail d0t com.